Tuesday 24 April 2012

Catch up

 As you can see, i dont update this blog as much as i should. I have been discovering other aspects of expressing my creativity through Illustrator *shudders*. And picking a pencil more often...who figured i could draw..well...kind of. I also want to launch Digital Grin this summer..so keep eyes peeled =] BIG LOVE

Saturday 11 February 2012

Digital Anarchy

These were taken at Social in Nantwich, where some Djs were performing.
The night was unfortunately quiet, but it gave me ample time to experiment with
the "rear curtain sync" feature. Also my experience with processing said photos was abit
premature as the whole concept is new to me.But i will expanding on this mayhem soon.

please enjoy x

Thursday 9 February 2012

Its looks a little flat =[

I have alot to learn about studio photography and lighting. But after almost five years out of practice, i think i've retained a few bits of knowledge. Had trouble focusing throughout the day and wasn't sure if it was a view finder issue, or my sheer blindness.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Had a good day today =]

Have not done a studio shoot since college, so was a little rusty to say the least.
I like this in B&W but will post a color version at a later date. More to come..

Thursday 2 February 2012

I took my attempts to new depths ?!....no...okay

Using a brill new program called "Flood" by "Flaming Pear", i can make displacement maps easily and replicate water ripples. Both were took at Snowdonia a few years ago and it gave me much joy to re-work them. Hope you enjoy them =].

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Ive put these two images up as a little excercise in cloning out imperfections and stray hairs. We all have to clone out the out pimple or hair eventually as photographers. So i thought id revisit an old image of my friend Amy Wright ( hope she doesnt mind =p ). I am happy with the result minus the strange red line at the top right corner..WTF to that.

As im all about getting better please input your thoughts on the result =]

Im still learning how to get the best detail in uploads so bare with me.
thanks Rich x

New year, new start BIIIG PHOTO !!!

This is my first Post on blog thing ive done for a while. More importantly i will be making routine updates. I thought id make a bold start by showing you the original sized image, of Friars Bay.
The slipway was used to launch modified Catalinas during the second world war. Whilst taking the photo i felt compelled to process it exactly as my eyes saw it, calm and slightly creepy.

No more photos will be uploaded to facebook as i like the image quality better on "blogger".

( I know not everyone would approve of the size of this bad boy..but i love it. )